Team Roster

Opening Attorney: Maya Jensen
Opening Attorney: Chris Kardatzke
Transition Attorney: Chelsea Gruber
Transititon Attorney: Nathaniel Tankel
Closing Attorney: Reilly Klippel
Closing Attorney: James Kardatzke

Janus Witness: Meredith Anding
Plaintiff Witness: Nicole Flint
Plaintiff Witness: Morgan Mack
Defense Witness: Lauren Knutson
Defense Witness: Simon Ehlinger

Timekeeping: Casey Mack
Timekeeping: Chailae Meade
Timekeeping: Adam Passant

Attorney Coach: John Conlon
Teacher Coach: Jason Hollenberger

Honors and Accolades: Took second place at the La Crosse Regional... Fourteen-year record pushed to 46-10... Ended the year with a regional record ten talons from six team members (M. Anding, S. Ehlinger, C. Kardatzke, J. Kardatzke, R. Klippel, L. Knutson)...